Love Action Drama, a Malayalam movie directed by Dhyan Sreenivasan, starring Nivin Pauly and Nayanthara in the lead roles, was released on September 5, 2019. This film is Dhyan Sreenivasan’s directorial debut and Aju Varghese’s first movie as producer. Shaan Rahman composed music for the film. Vineeth Sreenivasan and Aju Varghese are also part of the cast. Dubbing for Nayanthara was done by Raveena Ravi.
Dineshan (Nivin Pauly), an unromantic hero with full of flaws tries to win Shoba (Nayanthara) to marry her.
Just like the title of the movie, it is full of love, action and drama. Nivin Pauly who was seen last in Mikhael is having same appearance with beard in LAD also. He had did a marvelous performance in the film and Dhyan succeeded in capturing the comedy with perfect timings. Tamil film Kolaiyuthir Kaalam was last released movie of Nayanthara before the release of LAD. Chemistry between Nivin and Nayanthara worked out so well.
Nivin-Aju combo have succeeded in leaving the audience in splits. Shaan Rahman’s music added to the feel and the rich visuals. “On the floor baby! Hit it hard baby!” has become a common party song. There are some cameos which will surprise you while watching.
Overall, the movie is a perfect entertainer, appealing more to a young audience.