Saaho which is made of high budget of Rs 350 crores was released on August 30. After the big success of Bahubali 2, Prabhas is seen in a movie after a span of 2 years which created too much expectations movie. Prabha's debut in Bollywood and Shraddha Kapoor's debut in South Indian cinema added more flavor to the expectations. But all the expectation gone in vain after the release.
Saaho was released in around 6000 screens worldwide as a result the film made a very good pre-booking business. Though the movie disappointed many, the film is making records on the first day box office collection.
The film was criticized very badly for the script and screenplay by audience and critics. Time of India, Hindustan times gave average rating for the flick.
#Saaho is a Rs 350 crore disaster.
Many audience took this to social media to troll about the film and lots of posts are viral now. Below are some of the trending twitter posts about the film.
The audience inside the hall#Saahoreview #Saaho #SaahoInCinemas
— Sir Yuzvendra (parody) (@SirYuzvendra) August 30, 2019
VFX heavy film getting destroyed by critics because of weak screenplay and other factors.
— bk. (@NotBobbey) August 30, 2019
SRK to #Saaho makers:
SAAHO Expectations vs Reality!😪
— Mehul Somsole (@MEMEhool) August 30, 2019
The film may become hit in box office collection but is a flop in the view of rating.