The movie Avengers: Endgame, a sequel of its previous installment "Avengers: Infinity War", where Thanos destroyed half of the population in the universe. Heroes who survived in the destruction come together for a final action against the evil Thanos to restore the universe. Whether they succeed forms the crux of the story.

Avengers: Endgame film was the hot topic among Marvel fans since the release of Infinity War. This movie is considered to be the final chapter of 21 movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Directors Anthony and Joe Russo have done their job to the best, satisfying the expectations of any die hard fan of Marvel. If you were not a fan of Marvel, this movie will make you watch all the 21 films after going home. The flick is a perfect mix of actions, emotion, drama and comedy.

Importance of each character in the movie is equal even though they didn't had equal screen time. Just like every Marvel movie, the movie is full of surprises. The three hours movies leaves you with full of awesome memories.

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