Sanju is a biographical movie on Sanjay Dutt, released on June 29 of 2018. The movie is directed by Rajkumar Hirani, produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Rajkumar Hirani, and written by Hirani and Abhijat Joshi. The film takes us into the life of film star Sanjay Dutt. Ranbir Kapoor gave a scintillating performance as Sanjay Dutt. The distribution rights for the picture were acquired by Fox Star Studios. The film highlights the relationship between Sanjay Dutt and his father, his alcohol and drug addiction, the case on Bombay bombings and his comeback to Bollywood. Ranbir Kapoor’s hard work in preparing himself for each transformation is much appreciable. The cinematography of the movie is by Ravi Varman. The running time is around 161 minutes. Sanjay Dutt appears as himself in the end credits.
Sanju opened in theatres with positive responses and broke a lot of records in box office collection. This movie marks one of the highest grossing Indian movies of the year 2018. The feature entered the 100 crore club within three days of its release.