What do you hate most about me?
There will be some qualities in you which your partner might be hating it. Some of the common things are
- Drinking and smoking habits
- Too much chatting or talking with other opposite sex
- Being late for meetup with your partner
- Some hobbies
Know what your partner hates and make them happy by stop doing them. It is not possible to stop everything, but stop at least the one which they hate the most.
What do you love most about me?
Know what your partner loves most in you and be proud of it. Ask the reasons for liking it.
Some of the commonly shared answers are:
- Smile
- Care
- Affection
- Patience
- Sense of humor
- Taking responsibility
- Intelligence
- Creativity
Have you ever got a crush on someone after getting into a relationship with me?
It is normal to have a crush on someone while in a relationship. If your partner's answer to this question is yes, understand what made them feel crush. If the infatuation is within limits, then its perfectly fine. Or else you should guide your partner how it affects you and the relationship.
Some of the common crush would be movie actors, singers, musicians or sports personalities.
Which is your happiest day you had with me?
Know which day was the happiest day of your partner and understand what made them feel so.
Some common happiest days shared by couples are:
- Proposal day
- Valentines day
- Adventure trip
- Resuming relationship after long break up
- Marriage day
What change do you expect in me?
Sometimes we need to change something for our partner to be happy in relationship. This can be related to our behavior, style, job, etc... Know what change do your lover likes to see in you. If that change doesn't disturb you, then it's better to do it for your lover. If that change creates a negative impact on you, make them understand it.
What came to your mind when you first met me?
We may not share the exact feelings we had on the person on the first day of the meet during the initial time. Only when you feel comfortable, we will be ready to explain perfectly. So ask this question to your love even after some years of relationship, you will get a clear answer.
Some of the common feeling happens on the first meet are:
- Love at first sight
- Infatuation
- Good compliments like handsome, hot, beautiful.
- Nothing specific
How much do you love me?
Its an usual question we ask to our lovers. But we should know whether our partner's love on us got increased or decreased compared to the initial days. You should work on it if their love on you decreased as the days goes for a healthy relationship.
What comes to your mind first when you think about me?
Whenever we think about a person, we remember something about them like their values, beauty, richness, achievements or the moments shared with us. Know what comes to your partner's mind when they think about you and ask the reason too. If it's negative, you should find ways to change her impression on you.
What are you afraid of most in this relationship?
Some people are feared about how much longer the relationship lasts or will they lose interest in me after some days. So know their fears and promise them you are there.
What are you afraid of most in this relationship?
Some people are feared about how much longer the relationship lasts or will they lose interest in me after some days. So know their fears and promise them you are there.
Common fears in relationship are
- Is my partner cheating on me?
- Will he/she find someone better than me?
- Will he/she get tired of me?
Tell me one thing which you hide from me?
It's usual that we won't share everything with our partner, especially something happened before the relationship. Two main reasons why people hide something from their partners are:
He/she may be afraid how their partner reacts or afraid of losing their trust
Some shameful act that cannot be shared with partner
Take this question as a chance to know one of the deepest secret or something they missed to tell you.