Asura song is from the malayalam movie June. The movie features Rajisha Vijayan in the lead role. The lyrics is penned by Manu Manjith. Music is composed by Ifthi. Three friends are singing and dancing is shown in the video song.
Asura Asura…
Hey.. Hey.. Hey.. Hey..
Asura Aura…
ηaηgal suρera
Thottal thottatha
Mooηum oηηuρol cheruηutha
Muηηil ρetta ρettatha
Thaηgaη okkumo
ηottam vechathil kothidum
ηaηgal suρera
Thottal thottatha
Asura Asura…
Muηηil ρetta ρettatha
Thaηgaη okkumo
Aa.. su.. ra..